Novità editoriale
21 Settembre 2024Una guida completa e pratica per la diagnosi e il trattamento delle malattie endocrine nel cane, arricchita da algoritmi dettagliati, video dimostrativi e un’ampia gamma di risorse visive per supportare la gestione clinica quotidiana
In the fascinating world of endocrinology, scientific knowledge and technology have advanced greatly in recent years. Alongside, the ability to diagnose, treat, and manage various endocrine disorders has progressed too. The goal of this textbook is to provide an up-to-date, comprehensive, yet accessible resource for understanding and managing endocrine disorders in dogs.
The book is divided into two parts. The first part adopts a problem-oriented approach to the most common clinical and laboratory abnormalities in dogs with endocrine diseases. This section, full algorithms that guide step by step veterinarians in diagnostic evaluation and setting up the treatment, serves as a quick reference guide in clinical situations.
The second part focuses on endocrine diseases. Each chapter starts with the basic anatomy and physiology of the specific endocrine glands, followed by detailed discussions on clinical signs, diagnostic methodologies, and management strategies.
Chapters are richly supplemented with videos available through QR codes, boxes, tables, algorithms, charts, imaging studies, and illustrations.
The new groundbreaking VIMS – Veterinary Internal Medicine Series carries the veterinarians in a transformative journey through the dynamic world of veterinary internal medicine. Arising from a profound understanding of the complexities veterinarians face, each book concentrates on a specific organ system in either dogs or cats, offering unparalleled insights that surpass traditional veterinary resources. Every book in this series offers a clear path to learning current opinions on pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and costs associated with illnesses. Edited by specialists of international acclaim, these textbooks empower veterinarians to confidently communicate their expertise and acknowledge their limitations, enhancing practice and enriching connections with furry companions.
CITATI: FEDERICO FRACASSI, SARA GALACSe l'articolo ti è piaciuto rimani in contatto con noi sui nostri canali social seguendoci su:
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