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Point-of-care ultrasound in dogs and cats - Use of ultrasound in anesthesia, emergency and intensive care

Autori: Rabozzi R., Oricco S.

The rich iconography of the volume is completed by 75 videos accessible with QR-Codes, showing the techniques for acquiring ultrasound images and the relative movements of the probe.
The authors guide the reader through a real training path that starts from the setting of reasoning to address hemodynamic problems, and then provides the method to correctly perform and interpret the ultrasound sign by associating it with a normal or pathological condition. Ultrasounds for the evaluation of cardiac function, pleuro-pulmonary and abdominal structures are routine in human medicine but represent an important frontier for the veterinarian who wants to face the new professional challenges in the care of their patients.

The volume is characterized by a practical approach to clinical syndromes thanks to diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms based on the patient's problem (dyspnoea, shock, congestion) and not on the pathology of the single organ.

For the first time, also in veterinary medicine, a text that applies the Point-of-Care ultrasound approach (PoCUS) and which uses the understanding of the ultrasound sign within a dynamic context, that of the most common clinical syndromes in emergency and intensive care, is available.


Rabozzi R., Oricco S.


Edizioni Edra


376 pagg.





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