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Small Animal Orthopaedics. The Forelimb

Autori: Solano M.

Small Animal Orthopaedics. The Forelimb has been conceived as a practical book that comprehensively describes the surgical treatment of the most common trauma injuries and orthopaedic diseases affecting the forelimb of cats and dogs. The first part of the content focuses on arthrology; its goal is to provide the reader with a better understanding of the fundamentals, including general techniques, such as arthroscopy and arthrocentesis, and common diseases, such as septic arthritis and osteochondritis dissecans (OCD). The three subsequent parts describe various conditions and surgical treatments affecting the shoulder, elbow and carpal joints, respectively.
Some of the surgical techniques covered in this book are specialized procedures, such as shoulder arthrodesis, synthetic osteochondral resurfacing of humeral OCD lesions using SynACART implants, and treatment of medial compartment disease of the elbow using the canine unicompartmental elbow (CUE) replacement, while other techniques, including management of shoulder/elbow joint luxation and carpal arthrodesis, are more commonly performed in veterinary practice.
The description of each technique is structured around the following sections: introduction, indications, surgical planning, surgical procedure, postoperative management, prognosis, and complications. Text descriptions are complemented by photos and illustrations, along with videos in some chapters, to aid readers in understanding how to perform the technique.


Solano M.


Edizioni Edra



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