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Feline emergency & critical care medicine

Autori: Byers C.G., Giunti M.

Successfully managing emergency patients and those with critical illness requires knowledge and skills often not adequately covered in veterinary school and veterinary technician/nurse training programs. Through this book, the Editors and Authors have created a comprehensive resource to use to grasp the issues and scope of problems inevitably encountered in clinical practice.

The book's format is designed to allow readers to digest the broad range of topics inherent to feline emergency and critical care medicine. Each chapter begins with a Summary Section that details practical points about pathophysiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment, including algorithms that attempt to simplify a problem and point the reader in the right direction.

Each chapter also has a Comprehensive Section that dives deeper into the topic at hand to satisfy those who appreciate detailed discussions about pathophysiology, diagnostic investigations, and evidence-based therapies. The book has 10 sections and 100 chapters with accompanying images and videos (https://feline-eccbook.edizioniedra.com).


Byers C.G., Giunti M.


Edizioni Edra







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